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What are the types of mills for processing fly ash

zkj/ Release time : 2023-10-25

With the continuous development of China's electric power industry, more and more coal slag is produced, and fly ash has become one of the industrial waste residues with large emissions in China. A large amount of fly ash without treatment will produce dust and pollute the atmosphere; discharged into the water system, it will cause siltation of rivers, and toxic chemicals will also cause harm to human beings and organisms. Liming Heavy Industry fly ash processing equipment includes LM vertical mill, MTW European mill, micro powder mill, coarse powder mill and other grinding equipment, which can better protect the environment and facilitate the comprehensive utilization of fly ash.

Fly Ash Grinding Machine

Fly Ash Grinding Machine

Fly ash is the main solid waste discharged from coal-fired power plants, which is the fine ash collected from the flue gas after combustion. Color is an important quality indicator, the darker the color, the finer the fly ash particles and the higher the carbon content. Fly ash, as a kind of industrial waste, is rich in resources, inexpensive and contains a large number of active ingredients. After sorting and crushing, fly ash can be used in construction materials, concrete, chemical industry and other fields.

As an industrial powder, the processing cost of fly ash directly determines the interests of investors. Therefore, under the premise of a certain investment, a reasonable production line configuration plan, so that the whole production line can achieve as large a yield as possible, will greatly improve the final economic benefits.

The continuous accumulation of coal slag not only brings great hidden danger to China's environmental protection, but also is not conducive to the rational use of resources. In order to better protect the environment and favor the comprehensive utilization of fly ash, considering the maturity of dust removal and dry ash conveying technology, dry fly ash collection has become the development trend of fly ash collection in the future.

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