1、Sand and gravel aggregate
Sand and gravel aggregate is a resourceful, basic, irreplaceable, indispensable and irreplaceable material in construction, highway, bridge and other basic projects. However, as a non-renewable resource, people have been mining it for thousands of years, which has brought great harm to the ecological environment.
A large amount of waste rock tailings will be produced during the long time mining and production process, so sand and gravel aggregates can be used to replace sand and gravel aggregates completely or partially. In mining, most of the waste materials can be used as coarse and medium grain size aggregates.
2. Fine-grained concrete
Usually, tailing sand is better than sea sand, because it contains salt, chlorine and other substances, which are more corrosive to steel. And the tailing sand has a better surface roughness, which improves the strength of concrete.
3. Used as railroad stone chips
The ballast requirement of railroad is that it cannot be broken under vibration. Slate rock can not be used as ballast, but can be used as ballast is limestone or basalt.
4. Cement raw materials
Limestone, mudstone, siltstone, and other stone materials are left over after mining. In addition, tailings containing the corresponding components can be utilized as cement base material.
5. Raw materials for blending into cement
Adding the appropriate mixing materials to cement can not only improve some of the properties of cement, but also save the amount of cement. Now more slag, fly ash and so on as active substances added to cement.
In actual production, some tailings can be mixed with cement, such as: vanadium and titanium magnetite. In addition, the waste rock tailing sand containing a variety of amorphous substances can also be used as a reaction mixing material.
6、Modified raw materials for cement clinker
In the production of cement clinker, the main use of iron and silicon two kinds of modified materials. These two kinds of correcting materials can be extracted from the tail sand. Some waste slag containing more iron can be taken to the cement plant and used as a raw material for correcting iron. In addition, you can also use the iron tailings containing high ferrosilicon content as FSi correction material.
7. Raw materials for producing various types of bricks and tiles
In actual production, a large amount of waste shale is also used to make bricks, whose energy consumption is much higher than that of gangue. In addition, the unroasted gypsum tailings can be mixed with slag and coal ash to make new building materials such as gypsum bricks and hollow bricks.
8. Land for beach filling
This application is for turning beach land into agricultural land. A 3.5-5 meter high berm is built with stones on the sandy land and the tailings are discharged directly into a sand pit. After filling the puddle with tailings, the small stones are buried and about 25 centimeters of the land is covered.
9. Filling of open pits with waste rock and debris to allow for the restoration of agricultural land
Many mines do this by placing waste rock or tailings into an existing open pit and then covering it with a layer of arable land.
10. Used as a raw material for the production of silicon wafers
Silicon bricks have a load softening temperature between 1640-1670°C. The raw material for the production of silicon bricks requires a silica content of more than 96% and cannot contain too many impurities such as alumina and potassium oxide. Some kaolin tailings meet these conditions well. However, quartzite and quartz sandstone capable of meeting these requirements exist in the waste rock of some mines.
11. Uses for the production of calcium carbonate
White mud, calcium carbide slag, phosphogypsum, alkali slag and so on . The slag contains more calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide, which can be used to produce light calcium carbonate.
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