Coal gangue comes from the solid waste discharged in the process of coal mining and coal washing, which is a kind of black and gray rock with lower carbon content and harder than coal in the process of coal formation and coal beds. Coal gangue is discarded, occupies land, and seriously pollutes the atmosphere, land, and flowing water. With the development of environmental protection construction, the gangue can be utilized in many places after the development and research into the crusher processing. The gangue crusher (impact crusher) can crush the gangue into different shapes and sizes according to the demand of particle size and application, and the fineness can be as fine as 2mm. And can be used for wet material crushing. The operation is simple, easy to use and maintain..
gangue crusher
The gangue crusher (impact crusher) crushed gangue can be used to do environmental protection bricks, instead of clay as raw materials for brick making, can be less watt of land, the gangue itself is combustible, saving coal; or used for power generation, gangue can also be used for the production of low calorific value of gas, the manufacture of ceramics, the production of soil conditioners, or used for paving, underground filling, ground filling and land making. In the gangue after spontaneous combustion of the mountain can also be planted grass afforestation, landscaping.
Gangue crusher (impact crusher) on solid waste recycling countermeasures research reform and opening up 30 years, China's economy is in the rapid development of economic development at the same time also discharged a large amount of solid waste, solid waste, if not treated and disposed of, long-term stockpiling not only occupies a large amount of land, but also cause serious pollution of water and the atmosphere and harm.
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