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Basalt crusher application fields and working characteristics introduction

zkj/ Release time : 2024-01-09

Basalt crusher used in that area, why configure basalt crusher mill equipment, because basalt in the repair of highways, railroads, airport runways and has considerable advantages, basalt applied to the construction of these facilities have wear-resistant, low draught, poor electrical conductivity, compression resistance and other advantages. 

basalt crusher

basalt crusher

Basalt (sand) is the repair of highways, railroads, airports runways used in stone materials, with strong compression resistance, low crushing value, corrosion resistance, asphalt adhesion basalt, basalt has wear-resistant, low draught, poor electrical conductivity, compression resistance, crushing value is low, corrosion resistance, asphalt adhesion and other advantages, and is internationally recognized, is to develop the cornerstone of the railroad transport and road transport. The mill is a technical innovation of the pendulum mill, expanding the application field of the pendulum mill. It is widely used in paper making, paint, plastic, rubber, ink, pigment, building materials, medicine, food and other production and life fields.

It has high-yield and high-efficiency grinding capacity for various non-metallic mineral materials with Mohs hardness below 7 and humidity within 6%, such as coal kaolin, talc, dolomite, titanium dioxide, quartzite, bauxite, marble, feldspar, barite, ilmenite, and other non-mineral minerals with good grinding effect. 

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